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Communication and Compromise

Healthy Lines of Communication

宿舍的好处是你可以建立非常紧密的联系. 缺点是,人们也可能对你的个人事务知道得太多了. 这就是为什么你和你的室友建立健康的沟通渠道很重要.

学着直接和你的室友交谈,尤其是如果你们关系不亲密的话,可能会很困难. How do you approach certain topics? 你如何在不贬低别人的情况下为自己挺身而出? Some tips:

  • Use "I" statements. Saying, “当我没有收到我妈妈打来电话的消息时,我感到很难过”和说“我很难过”是完全不同的, “你没有把我妈妈的口信给我,让我很难过.“为自己的感受负责,可以消除指责,帮助你的室友减少防御. In return, they'll be more receptive.
  • Maintain eye contact. 当你解释你的观点时,直视你的室友可以加强你的信息. 眼神交流在你的语言中传达出联系、自信和自信.
  • Keep it between you two. 不要指望其他朋友告诉你的室友你为什么不高兴. 接受外界的指责肯定会让你的室友处于防御状态. 除非你需要专业的帮助,否则问题应该留给你们两个人.e. your RA, a counselor, etc.) to work things out.
  • Avoid gossip. 确保你没有在你室友的背后散播谣言. Steer clear of hearsay and go directly to the source.

The Art of Compromise

是的,室友们可能发明了妥协的需要! 共享一个空间需要灵活性和平等的考虑. 在需要妥协的情况出现之前,谈谈这些事情:

  • I'll assert myself in situations where…
  • I feel taken advantage of when...
  • What compromise means to me is...

大多数室友间的冲突都发生在沟通不畅的时候. 积极主动,努力以健康有效的方式讨论问题. Some tips:

  • Agree to disagree. 只要你选择尊重彼此的观点,意见不同也没关系. Don't pass judgment. There are usually at least two sides to an issue.
  • Talk it through. 不可避免地,你会对你室友的一些行为不满意,反之亦然. Commit to working it out verbally. Don't talk behind one another's backs. It will only lead to more hurt feelings. 
  • Leave messages. 你们也必须依靠彼此与“外部世界”进行沟通. 就如何处理电话、口头“拜访”和留言板上的信息达成一致. Less will get lost in the shuffle this way.

Anger Management

有时候你和你的室友会惹毛对方. 憋住或者爆发绝对不是解决办法. 这就是为什么学会控制你的愤怒是如此重要. 当出现冲突时,可以考虑以下建议:

  • Don't argue in the heat of the moment. You're bound to say things you'll regret. 冷静下来,把你的想法集中起来,你会变得更加理性和富有成效.
  • 用“我”来表达你对这个情况的感受.
  • Enlist the help of a mediator. 如果你和室友不能和平解决问题, ask your RA or a peer mediator for assistance.
  • If you feel physically threatened, walk away.

Passions and Peeves

找出对彼此重要的东西有助于室友更好地理解彼此. What is your roommate passionate about? What are some of their pet peeves? 讨论一下下面的话题,你就能更多地了解你的室友了:

  • A few things that really annoy me are …
  • Some of the things I feel passionately about are …
  • When I am angry, I show it by …
  • 当别人开别人的玩笑或发表贬损的评论时,我倾向于.
  • I feel … about having overnight guests.
  • A few touchy subjects with me include …
  • Smoking is …
  • I feel that alcohol and other drugs are …
  • 当我感到压力或感到很大压力时,我会用……
  • I feel … about discussing …


差异是我们向他人学习的关键方式之一. 当你越来越了解室友的独特之处时,你的世界就会变得更开阔. Make yourself open to this valuable type of learning! 你对你室友的背景了解多少? How much does she know about yours? To truly understand where each of us is coming from, 彼此分享信息是很重要的:

  • My cultural background is …
  • My faith life involves ...
  • 我的生活方式选择包括戒酒、吃素等.) ...
  • 由于我的文化、生活方式或精神背景,我所经历的事情包括……

College life can be tough at times. 你的室友可能会遇到困难,人类的自然倾向是跳进去帮助. 然而,重要的是要认识到你在这方面的局限性. 你要确保你所做的对你的室友和你自己都是最好的!

Resources for Serious Issues

Is your roommate sleeping through classes? 每当有社交机会时,她会把家庭作业放在一边吗? 或者她对成绩很着迷,如果她在一个项目上做得不好就会非常沮丧? You can encourage her, but your campus learning assistance center, 顾问和其他人可能更有能力帮助解决学业上的困难.

你可能已经注意到你的室友多次迟到. Does she hang out with a new set of friends? Has she become more promiscuous? 她是否在一天中的不同时间表现出不同的状态? 你在房间里见过酒精或其他毒品用具吗? One approach is to go to her with your concerns. If she's struggling with addiction, though, 你没有合适的工具来帮助她或为自己维持一个安全的环境. 向心理咨询中心、宿舍生活工作人员或健康服务部门咨询.

Does your roommate sleep a lot during the day? Has she dropped some of her friends and activities? Does she cry frequently? Has she mentioned harming themselves? These and other symptoms may be signs of depression. This is beyond your scope of being a good friend. 试图承担抑郁室友的问题不仅会阻止她得到充分的照顾, it can also affect your own mental health. 呼吁居住生活人员和咨询中心的意见.
Does your roommate dread going home during breaks? Has she confided in you about family abuse? Do you overhear fights on the phone? 你很容易陷入室友的家庭困境. 尝试这样做很少能解决问题,而且会给自己带来不必要的压力. 向宿舍生活工作人员和咨询中心寻求帮助. Respect her boundaries. 不要打电话给室友的家人试图“解决”问题.
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